find amount to be paid attend of 3 years principal=12000 at 12%p.a​

find amount to be paid attend of 3 years principal=12000 at 12%p.a​

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2 thoughts on “find amount to be paid attend of 3 years principal=12000 at 12%p.a​”

  1. Answer:

    Interest amount = (pxrxt)/100

    = (12000x12x3)/100


    total amount = principal amount + interest amount



    if it is helpful to you then please mark my ans. as brainlist ans.

  2. Answer:

    rs 16320.

    Step-by-step explanation:

    Principal × Rate × Time ÷100

    12000×12×3 ÷ 100

    = rs 4320.

    Amount = Simple interest + Principal

    = 4320+ 12000

    =rs 16320.


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