Fill in the blanks:
1, The pathogens are causing organisms________.
2, The antibiotic first discovered By Alexander Fleming is called________.
3, mosquito acts as the carrier of malaria causing parasite_______.
4, The most commonly used algae as fertilizers is_____.
5, Yeast cells produce alcohol and carbon dioxide by the process called_________.
6, ________is the carrier of dengue virus.
1.A pathogen is an organism that causes disease.
2.Alexander Fleming was, it seems, a bit disorderly in his work and accidentally discovered penicillin.
3.The only mosquito which can transmit the parasite is the anopheles mosquito.
4.Blue green algae also known as cynobacteria are commonly used as biofertilizer in agriculture due to the nitrogen fixation ability..
5.Alcoholic fermentation is a biotechnological process accomplished by yeast
6.albopictus, is another prominent carrier of the virus.
1. Disease