factorise 15x-10. please help me with this question because i am stuck with this question

By Emma

factorise 15x-10. please help me with this question because i am stuck with this question

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1 thought on “factorise 15x-10. please help me with this question because i am stuck with this question”

  1. Answer:


    [tex]\mathtt{FIND \: SOMETHING \: WHICH \: IS \: SIMILAR \: IN \: \: BOTH \: NUMBERS}[/tex]

    [tex] \mathtt{ = 15x – 10}[/tex]

    [tex] \mathtt{ = 5(3x – 2)}[/tex]

    [tex]\mathtt\purple{ \: ANSWER \: IS \: 5(3x-2)}[/tex]


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