English 1, Home work
▪️ Suppose you are given the power to change two things which you think are the greatest obstacl

By Anna

English 1, Home work
▪️ Suppose you are given the power to change two things which you think are the greatest obstacles in the development of your country. Describe the two things you would choose. Give reasons for your choice.( Essay -250 words)
▪️ As the President of the Cultural Academy of your school, write a letter inviting a well-known expert to advise the students on their future career plans. Your letter should give all the information related to the number of students, their age group and the queries they are likely to have.
▪️Revise Ch 19.​

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1 thought on “English 1, Home work<br />✒️<br />▪️ Suppose you are given the power to change two things which you think are the greatest obstacl”

  1. Answer:

    First will the time of my life .

    Second will be The mind of myself.


    because if we will be able to control our mind and time we can do any thing in the world every thing can be done easily.


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