divide a line segment of length 12 CM internally in the ratio 2:3. Also justify your construction​

By Ayla

divide a line segment of length 12 CM internally in the ratio 2:3. Also justify your construction​

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1 thought on “divide a line segment of length 12 CM internally in the ratio 2:3. Also justify your construction​”

  1. Answer:

    divide a line segment of length 12 CM internally in the ratio 2:3. Also justify your construction​

    So we have to divide a line into 5 parts



    We need it in the ratio of 2:3

    Therefore 4.8 , 6.2

    Draw a 12cm long line and mark 4.8 cm

    Now the line is in 2:3 ratio

    Hope it helps you,

    Please mark me as the brainliest because I will level up….


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