check whether the following number are perfect squares is not find the number by which this should be multiplied so that the produ

check whether the following number are perfect squares is not find the number by which this should be multiplied so that the product is a perfect square also find the square root of the new number obtained

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2 thoughts on “check whether the following number are perfect squares is not find the number by which this should be multiplied so that the produ”

  1. Answer:

    Hello , dear

    your answer is

    Solution : (i)`402 = 20^2 +2`<br> So, if we subtract `2` from `402`, we get a perfect square and square root of the perfect square will be `20`.<br><br> (ii) `1989 = 44^2+53`<br> So, if we subtract `53` from `1989 `, we get a perfect square and square root of the perfect square will be `44`.<br><br> (iii) `3250 = 57^2+1`<br> So, if we subtract `1` from `3250 `, we get a perfect square and square root of the perfect square will be `57`.<br><br> (iv) `825 = 28^2+41`<br> So, if we subtract `41` from `825 `, we get a perfect square and square root of the perfect square will be `28`.<br><br> (v)`4000 = 63^2+31`<br> So, if we subtract `31` from `4000 `, we get a perfect square and square root of the perfect square will be `63`.<br><br>

    thank you


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