c = (a-b) , r =a+b
Find the equation of the circles with centre c and radius r where​

c = (a-b) , r =a+b
Find the equation of the circles with centre c and radius r where​

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1 thought on “c = (a-b) , r =a+b<br />Find the equation of the circles with centre c and radius r where​”

  1. Answer:

    we know the equation of circle is:

    (x-h)²+(y-k)² = r²

    given (h,k) = (a,b)

    and r = a+b

    so, equation; (x-a)²+(y-b)²=(a+b)²

    => x²-2ax+a²+y²-2by+b² = a²+2ab+b²

    => x²+y²-2ax-2by-2ab = 0


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