By mathematical induction, the result 2n – 3 s 2n-2 is true for all
A) n<2
B) n= 3
C) n5
D) 3<n<5​

By mathematical induction, the result 2n – 3 s 2n-2 is true for all
A) n<2
B) n= 3
C) n5
D) 3<n<5​

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1 thought on “By mathematical induction, the result 2n – 3 s 2n-2 is true for all<br />A) n<2<br />B) n= 3<br />C) n5<br />D) 3<n<5​”

  1. Answer:

    hello dear question proper nahi hai

    Step-by-step explanation:

    brainly answer all the question but you write the question proper


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