bookseller has 1200 books. 25% of them are on mathematics, 35% of them are on science
and the rest are on other subjects. Fin

bookseller has 1200 books. 25% of them are on mathematics, 35% of them are on science
and the rest are on other subjects. Find the number of books of each kind.
other subject =480
plz give the explanation
it’s urgent now​

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1 thought on “bookseller has 1200 books. 25% of them are on mathematics, 35% of them are on science<br />and the rest are on other subjects. Fin”

  1. Answer:

    I’ll explain only maths book.

    Suppose there are 100 books.

    So, out of 100%, there are 25% maths books.

    Out of 100, there will be 25.

    100 → 25 maths books (given)

    1 → 25/100 = ¼ maths books

    1200 → 1200 × ¼ = 300 maths books.

    Same as, for science,

    100 → 35

    1 → 35/100

    1200 → 1200 × 35/100 = 420

    For others, using %es,

    100 → 40

    1 → 4/10

    1200 → 1200 × 4/10 = 480.

    Mark as Brainliest


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