An electric pole is 10 m high. A stell wire tied to the top of the pole is affixed at a point on the ground to keep the upright. I

An electric pole is 10 m high. A stell wire tied to the top of the pole is affixed at a point on the ground to keep the upright. If tue wire makes an angel of 45° with the horizontal through the foot of the pole, find the length of the wire .​

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1 thought on “An electric pole is 10 m high. A stell wire tied to the top of the pole is affixed at a point on the ground to keep the upright. I”

  1. [tex]\huge\bf{Solution}[/tex]

    Given :

    OA = 10 m ( electric pole)

    ∠B = 45°

    Let OA be the electric Pole and B be the point on the ground.

    Let BA = x cm

    In ∆ABO

    sin 45° = AO /AB (perpendicular/ hypotenuse)

    1 / √ 2 = 10 / x

    x = 10 √2

    x = 10 × 1.414 (Given √2 = 1.414)

    x = 14.14 m

    Hence, length of the wire is 14.14 m.


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