An article valued at $P when new, depreciates by 10% of it’s value at the end of every year. if at the end of the third year ,the

An article valued at $P when new, depreciates by 10% of it’s value at the end of every year. if at the end of the third year ,the article is valued at $7,290 . find the value of P.​

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1 thought on “An article valued at $P when new, depreciates by 10% of it’s value at the end of every year. if at the end of the third year ,the”

  1. Understanding The Question properly

    • It is Given that the Principal when it start and the Rate is in Depreciate by 10% at the End of every Year . Now at the end of 3 year’s the price of an article be $7,290.

    From the Above Statement We get

    • Rate of Depreciates = 10%
    • Time = 3 year’s
    • Amount of article = $7,290

    To Find

    • Principal

    Note: If the compounding frequency per annum is 1 i.e. if the interest is compounded annually, the compound interest formula is given as:

    we know that

    • If rate is in depreciates then Amount Formula will be

    [tex] \underline {\boxed{\bf{Amount= Principal \Bigg\{ 1-\dfrac{Rate \:}{100}\Bigg\}}^{time}}}[/tex]

    • Putting the value of Amount, rate of Depreciate and time in formula we get

    [tex]\\\sf{~~~~~~:\implies 7290= Principal \Bigg\{ 1-\dfrac{10}{100}\Bigg\}^3}[/tex]

    [tex]\sf{~~~~~~:\implies 7290= Principal \Bigg\{ \dfrac{100 – 10}{100}\Bigg\}^3}[/tex]

    [tex]\sf{~~~~~~:\implies 7290= Principal \Bigg\{ \dfrac{90}{100}\Bigg\}^3}[/tex]

    [tex]\sf{~~~~~~:\implies 7290= Principal \times \dfrac{9 \times 9 \times 9 }{10 \times 10 \times 10}}[/tex]

    [tex]\sf{~~~~~~:\implies Principal = \dfrac{ 7290\times 1000}{729}}[/tex]

    [tex]\sf{~~~~~~ :\implies Principal = \dfrac{ \cancel{729}^{1} \: 0\times 1000}{ \cancel{729}}}[/tex]

    [tex]\sf{~~~~~~ :\implies Principal = 10000}\\\\[/tex]

    • [tex]\pink{\text{The Value of Principal is \bf{\$10,000.}}}[/tex]

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