If the cost of 4 pencils is 32, find the cost of 10 pencils
if 6 notebooks cost 60, how much

If the cost of 4 pencils is 32, find the cost of 10 pencils
if 6 notebooks cost 60, how much would 9 notebooks
If the cost of 7m cloth is 3294, find the cost of 6m cloth
If 9 kg of rice cost 810, what will be the cost of 50 kg, of rice?
The weight of 72 books is 9 kg. What is the weight of 30 such books?
Five pens cost 115. How many pens can you buy in 2302
If the cost of a dozen soaps is 1200, what

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2 thoughts on “ackers<br />UNITARY METHOD<br />If the cost of 4 pencils is 32, find the cost of 10 pencils<br />if 6 notebooks cost 60, how much”

  1. Step-by-step explanation:

    4 pencil = 32

    1 pencil = 32/4 = 8

    10 pencil = 8×10 = 80

    6 notebook = 60

    1 notebook = 60/6 = 10

    9 notebooks = 10×9 = 90

    7m cloth = 3294

    1m cloth = 3294/7 = 470.57

    6m cloth = 470.57 × 6 = 2823.42

    9 kg rice = 810

    1 kg rice = 810/9 = 90

    50 kg rice = 90 × 50 = 4500

    72 books = 9 kg

    1 book = 9/72

    30 book = 9/72 × 30 = 3.75

    5 pens = 115

    1 pen = 115/5 = 23

    2302 = 2302/23 = 100

    12 soup = 1200

    1 soup = 1200/12 = 100

    5 soup = 100 × 5 = 500


  2. [tex]\huge\bf\pink{\mid{\overline{\underline{Answer :- }}}\mid}[/tex]


    1.) The cost of 4 pencils is 32

    The cost of 1 pencils = 32/4 = 8

    The cost of 10 pencils = 8 × 10 = 80

    The cost of 10 pencil is Rs. 80.

    2.) The cost of 6 notebook is 60

    The cost of 1 notebook = 60/6 = 10

    The cost of 9 notebook = 9 × 10 = 90

    The cost of 9 notebook is Rs. 90.

    3.)The cost of 7m cloth is 3294

    The cost of 1 m cloth = 3294/7 = 470.58

    The cost of 6m cloth = 6 × 470.58 = 2823.43

    The cost of 6m cloth is 2823.43 .

    4.) 9 kg of rice cost 810 .

    1 kg of rice = 810/ 9 = 90

    The cost of 50 kg = 90 × 50 = 4500

    The cost of 50 kg rice is Rs. 4500 .

    5.)The weight of 72 books is 9 kg.

    The weight of 1 book is 9 / 72

    The weight of 30 books = 9 × 30/72 = 270 / 72 = 3.75

    The weight of 30 books is 3.75 kg.

    6.) In Rs. 115 we get 5 pen

    In Rs. 1 we get 5/115=

    In Rs 2302 we get = 5/115 × 2302 = 11510/115 ≈ 100

    In Rs 2302 we get 100 pens.

    7.) The cost of a dozen soaps is 1200

    The cost of one soap is 1200/ 12 = 100

    The cost of 5 soaps = 5 × 100 = 500

    The cost of 5 soaps is Rs. 500 .



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