A team of eleven is to be chosen out of 16 cricket players of whom 4 are bowlers and 2
wicket keepers. In how many ways can t

By Emma

A team of eleven is to be chosen out of 16 cricket players of whom 4 are bowlers and 2
wicket keepers. In how many ways can the team be chosen so that (i) there are exactly 3
bowlers and one wicket keeper (ii) there are atleast 3 bowlers and atleast one wicket
office a committee consisting of officers and 3 clerks

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1 thought on “A team of eleven is to be chosen out of 16 cricket players of whom 4 are bowlers and 2<br />wicket keepers. In how many ways can t”

  1. Answer:

    dug up the brain list now and then y the day I was able to college and I was able to get a job at the university of the university in new York city and the university was able and I had to do a lot to get the job done and I was able to get a job and be in the position of being able

    Step-by-step explanation:

    I think so

    please mark me as the brain list now



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