A sum of Rs. 3,50,000 is lent at simple interest. When the interes
calculated by taken the rate as 6.8% instead of 8.6 , the

A sum of Rs. 3,50,000 is lent at simple interest. When the interes
calculated by taken the rate as 6.8% instead of 8.6 , the difference ve
be Rs.56,700. At what time the amount will be cleared?can Anyone have this questions ana​

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1 thought on “A sum of Rs. 3,50,000 is lent at simple interest. When the interes<br />calculated by taken the rate as 6.8% instead of 8.6 , the”

  1. Step-by-step explanation:

    Simple interest is a method of calculating the interest that is charged on fixed deposits, savings accounts, and loans. It is calculated on the principal amount. Simple interest does not add any interest rate on the interest amount gathered on the principal amount.


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