A square shaped park ABCD of side 110 m has two equal
rectangular flower beds of size 15m x 7m. Length of the boundary

A square shaped park ABCD of side 110 m has two equal
rectangular flower beds of size 15m x 7m. Length of the boundary
of the remaining park is​

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2 thoughts on “A square shaped park ABCD of side 110 m has two equal<br />rectangular flower beds of size 15m x 7m. Length of the boundary<br />o”

  1. Answer:

    For Flower bed given that,

    Length(l)=15 m

    Width(w)=7 m

    ∴ Perimeter of flower bed =2×(l+b)


    =44 m.

    There are two such flower beds.

    For each bed, its one length and one breadth lie on boundary of the park.

    So, perimeter of both flower bed lying on park=

    1/2 (2×primeter of one bed)

    = 1/2 (2×44)=44 m

    Now, side of square ABCD=110 m

    Therefore, perimeter of ABCD=4×110 m=440 m

    So, perimeter of remaining area of park=perimeter of ABCD-perimeter of both flower bed lying on park

    =440−44=396 m

    Step-by-step explanation:


  2. Answer:

    [tex] \huge \underline \mathfrak \pink{Hey 🙂 \: Answer \: }[/tex]

    For Flower bed given that,

    Length(l)=15 m

    Width(w)=7 m

    ∴ Perimeter of flower bed =2×(l+b)


    =44 m.

    There are two such flower beds.

    For each bed, its one length and one breadth lie on boundary of the park.

    So, perimeter of both flower bed lying on park=

    1/2 (2×primeter of one bed)

    = 1/2 (2×44)=44 m

    Now, side of square ABCD=110 m

    Therefore, perimeter of ABCD=4×110 m=440 m

    So, perimeter of remaining area of park=perimeter of ABCD-perimeter of both flower bed lying on park

    =440−44=396 m



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