A rare whale fossil was uncovered under
layers of sediment. When the excavator took
measurements, she found the tail to

A rare whale fossil was uncovered under
layers of sediment. When the excavator took
measurements, she found the tail to be as
long as its head plus a quarter of the length
of the body. When the archaeologist came
in, he measured the length of the body. He
found it to be 34 of the total length. They
made arguments about how such a fish
would swim in the water. To make proper
predictions they measured the head size,
and found it to be 4 inches long. What is the
total length of this whale?​

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2 thoughts on “A rare whale fossil was uncovered under<br />layers of sediment. When the excavator took<br />measurements, she found the tail to”

  1. Step-by-step explanation:

    फाइंड द एंगल ऑफ एलिवेशन ऑफ द टॉप ऑफ द टावर फ्रॉम ए पॉइंट ऑन द ग्राउंड 30 मीटर ऑफ 1 फेमस फूड ऑफ इटावा हाइट 1 मीटर hzjkzkzuzjkzxkmxnhjzjzjjzjxk kxnnxh


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