A car is moving at a speed of 100 km/hour. How far will it travel in 25 minutes? How
much time will it take to cover a distan

By Anna

A car is moving at a speed of 100 km/hour. How far will it travel in 25 minutes? How
much time will it take to cover a distance of 240 km?
(In direct proportion )​

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1 thought on “A car is moving at a speed of 100 km/hour. How far will it travel in 25 minutes? How<br />much time will it take to cover a distan”

  1. Step-by-step explanation:

    Given :

    Speed of car = 100km/hr

    speed of car in 1 min = 100/60 km/min

    speed of car in 25 min = 100/60 × 25 = 250/6 km/min

    = 125/3 km/min or 41.67 km/min

    time taken to cover = 240km

    time = distance/speed

    = 240/100 km/hr

    = 2.4hr or (2.4×60)min = 144 min


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