A bag contains 6 red ball’s and 5 blue balls one ball is drawn of random from the bag what is the probability of getting a blue b

By Remi

A bag contains 6 red ball’s and 5 blue balls one ball is drawn of random from the bag what is the probability of getting a blue ball​

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2 thoughts on “A bag contains 6 red ball’s and 5 blue balls one ball is drawn of random from the bag what is the probability of getting a blue b”

  1. Answer:


    A bag contains 6 red ball’s and 5 blue ball’s one ball is drawn of random from the bag, what is the probability of getting a blue ball.

    To Find:

    Probability of getting a blue ball.


    Probability = [tex] \frac{Number \ \ of \ \ favourable \ \ outcomes}{Total \ \ Number \ \ of \ \ outcomes} [/tex]

    Here, Number of favourable outcomes is the bag contain balls for which ball we are finding, Total number of outcomes is total number of balls.


    [tex] \huge\red{First, calculating \ \ missing \ \ values} [/tex]

    • Here, Number of favourable outcomes = 5 balls; Total number of outcomes = ?

    According to note second point~

    ▪︎[tex] Total \ \ number \ \ of \ \ outcomes = Total \ \ number \ \ of \ \ balls ( red + blue \ \ balls ) [/tex]

    ▪︎[tex] Total \ \ number \ \ of \ \ outcomes = 5 + 6 \ \ balls [/tex]

    ▪︎[tex] Total \ \ number \ \ of \ \ outcomes = 11 \ \ balls [/tex]

    [tex] \huge\green{Total \ \ number \ \ of \ \ outcomes = 11 \ \ balls} [/tex]


    [tex] \huge\red{ Now, we \ \ will \ \ calculate \ \ Probability } [/tex]

    • Number of favourable outcomes = 5 balls, Total number of outcomes = 11 balls, Probability = ?

    According to note first point~

    ▪︎[tex] Probability = \frac{Number \ \ of \ \ favourable \ \ outcomes}{Total \ \ number \ \ of \ \ outcomes} [/tex]

    ▪︎[tex] Probability = \frac{5 \ \ balls}{11 \ \ balls} [/tex]

    Here, calculations can’t be done so simply leave it and balls-balls will be canceled~

    ▪︎[tex] Probability = \frac{5}{11} [/tex]

    [tex] \huge\green{Probability = \frac{5}{11}} [/tex]


    Hence, the Probability of getting blue ball is = [tex] \frac{5}{11} [/tex].



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