2. If I kg of milk contains 0.245kg of fat. How much fat is contained in 15kg 500 g of milk?​

2. If I kg of milk contains 0.245kg of fat. How much fat is contained in 15kg 500 g of milk?​

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2 thoughts on “2. If I kg of milk contains 0.245kg of fat. How much fat is contained in 15kg 500 g of milk?​”

  1. Answer:

    Question :-

    If I kg of milk contains 0.245kg of fat. How much fat is contained in 15kg 500 g of milk?

    Step by step explanation :-

    1 kg = 1000 g

    15 kg 500 g = 15500 g.


    Multiply 0.245 by 15500.

    15500 × 0.245 = 3797.5


    3797.5 kg of fat is contained in 15 kg 500 g.

    Step-by-step explanation:

    Hope it helps you!


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