why convex mirror is used in tajmahal?​

oo, but Esme bura lagne bali konsi baat hai vese koi nahi maff kiya XD..

By Ivy

why convex mirror is used in tajmahal?​

oo, but Esme bura lagne bali konsi baat hai vese koi nahi maff kiya XD….​

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2 thoughts on “why convex mirror is used in tajmahal?​<br /><br /><br />oo, but Esme bura lagne bali konsi baat hai vese koi nahi maff kiya XD..”

  1. Convex mirror is used because it forms a real, inverted image when the a large object is placed far beyond the centre of curvature of the convex mirror. … In this case, the magnification is less than 1 and thuis is because the image formed is much smaller than the size of the object


  2. Answer:

    These convex mirrors are used for cars because they give an upright image and provide a wider field of view as they are curved outwards. Convex mirrors are also often found in the hallway of various buildings including hospitals, hotels, schools, stores and apartment building


    hello, sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry.

    mafe kre do , please


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