4. If alphs and beta are the zeros of the quadratic polynomial pu) – 5y²- 7y+1, find the value of 1/alpha + 1/beta​

4. If alphs and beta are the zeros of the quadratic polynomial pu) – 5y²- 7y+1, find the value of 1/alpha + 1/beta​

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1 thought on “4. If alphs and beta are the zeros of the quadratic polynomial pu) – 5y²- 7y+1, find the value of 1/alpha + 1/beta​”

  1. Answer:

    Step-by-step explanation:

    since αandβare zeros of polynomial p(x)=5y²- 7y+1 .

    sum of zeros ,α+β= -coefficient of y/coefficient of y²

    = -(-7)/5=7/5

    and,product of zeros,αβ=constant term/coefficient of y²


    now,we have

    1/α+1/β=α+β/αβ=(7/5)/(1/5)=7.is the right answer.

    mark me as brainliest…


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