3. Solve the following LPP using Simplex Method
Minimize Z = 3x + 2y
Subject to the constraints
2x + 4y = 40

3. Solve the following LPP using Simplex Method
Minimize Z = 3x + 2y
Subject to the constraints
2x + 4y = 40
3x + 2y > 50
where x,y > 0​

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1 thought on “3. Solve the following LPP using Simplex Method<br />Minimize Z = 3x + 2y<br />Subject to the constraints<br />2x + 4y = 40<br />3”

  1. Answer:

    gaff you want me there is what I eat e I e I have a great weekend with the w you are not going out to the gym and I have a good time with you guys have to be in the world and the Two Strings and I don’t know if it was so excited for you and the Two you have

    Step-by-step explanation:

    gf GE you want me too much to me and you can get a chance q you have any questions you


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