20th term of an AP is 59, common difference is 3. Find 1st and 15th term

By Lyla

20th term of an AP is 59, common difference is 3. Find 1st and 15th term

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1 thought on “20th term of an AP is 59, common difference is 3. Find 1st and 15th term”

  1. Answer:

    part 1

    n = 20

    d = 3


    a+(n-1)d is formula to find term .

    putting value in this formula

    a+ (20-1)3 = 59

    => a+ 19×3 = 59

    => a+ 57 = 59

    => a = 59-57

    => a = 2

    part 2

    a= 2

    d= 3

    n= 15

    so putting in a+(n-1)d

    2 + (15-1) 3

    => 2 + 14 × 3

    => 2+ 42

    44 is 15th term of an AP


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