2. The dimensions of a rectangular park is
100 m x 60 m. A 2 m width path made
around the rectangular park. The area

2. The dimensions of a rectangular park is
100 m x 60 m. A 2 m width path made
around the rectangular park. The area
(in m) of the path is

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1 thought on “2. The dimensions of a rectangular park is<br />100 m x 60 m. A 2 m width path made<br />around the rectangular park. The area<br”

  1. [tex]\bf\pink{♡Answer}[/tex]

    The area of the path is 656 sq.m.

    Step-by-step explanation:

    Length of park = 100 m

    Breadth of park = 60 m

    A 2m width path made around the rectangular park .

    Outer length = 100+(2+2)=104 m

    Outer breadth =60+2+2=64 m

    Area of Path = Outer area – Inner area

    Area of path = (104 \times 64)-(100 \times 60)=656 sq.m.(104×64)−(100×60)=656sq.m.

    Hence The area of the path is 656 sq.m.

    Hope this helps you!!


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