2.6) The price of 3 rice bags is = 2250, find the price of 7 bags of rice.
1) 75250
2) 4250
3) 3 5500
4) 4500​

2.6) The price of 3 rice bags is = 2250, find the price of 7 bags of rice.
1) 75250
2) 4250
3) 3 5500
4) 4500​

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2 thoughts on “2.6) The price of 3 rice bags is = 2250, find the price of 7 bags of rice.<br />1) 75250<br />2) 4250<br />3) 3 5500<br />4) 4500​”

  1. Answer:

    Please mark me as the Brainliest

    Step-by-step explanation:

    Let the price of a single bag be as x


    3x = 2250

    x = ₹ 750

    for 7 bags

    7 × x = 7 × ₹ 750 = ₹5250

    Answer: 5250


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