115. When a load is suspended from a steel wire
2 mm in diameter and 4m in length, the
extension is 1mm. If Yis 2×10′ N/

By Mia

115. When a load is suspended from a steel wire
2 mm in diameter and 4m in length, the
extension is 1mm. If Yis 2×10′ N/m², then
the load in kg is (g = 10m/s² )​

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2 thoughts on “115. When a load is suspended from a steel wire<br />2 mm in diameter and 4m in length, the<br />extension is 1mm. If Yis 2×10′ N/”

  1. Step-by-step explanation:

    Force on the wire =mg=100N

    Ans a –

    Stress (σ)=AF=4×10−6100=25×106pa

    Ans b-

    Strain (ϵ)=Yσ=2×101125×106=12.5×10−5

    Ans c-

    Elongation (Δl)=strain×length=37.5×10−5m


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