11. The circumference of a circular table is 88cm. Find the radius of the table.​

11. The circumference of a circular table is 88cm. Find the radius of the table.​

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2 thoughts on “11. The circumference of a circular table is 88cm. Find the radius of the table.​”

  1. Concept:

    Here, we have to find the radius of the circular table if the circumference is 88 cm . To Find it we will apply the Formula of Circumference of a circle , that is 2πr . By substituting this we will get our Required Value.


    • The circumference of a circular table is 88cm. Find the radius of the table.


    • Circumference of a circular table = 88 cm

    To Find:

    • Radius of a circular table = ?

    Formula Required:

    • Circumference of a circle = 2πr


    Radius = r


    ㅤㅤㅤWe know,

    Circumference of a circular table = 2πr

    ㅤ➟ㅤ88 = 2 × 22/7 × r

    ㅤ➟ㅤ88 = 44/7 × r

    ㅤ➟ㅤ44/7 × r = 88

    ㅤ➟ㅤr = 88 × 7 / 44

    ㅤ➟ㅤr = 616/44

    ㅤ➟ㅤr = 308/22

    ㅤ➟ㅤr = 154/11

    ㅤ➟ㅤr = 14/1

    r = 14 cm

    ㅤㅤㅤHence, the radius of a circular table is 14 cm


  2. [tex]{\large{\underline{\underline{\pmb{\sf{Question:}}}}}}[/tex]

    The circumference of a circular table is 88 cm. Find the radius of the table.


    The radius of the table is 14 cm.


    The Question says that there is a circular table, which has 88 cm as its circumference.


    According to the Question, we need to find the radius of the circular table.


    To find the circumference of the circle, we use the following formula:

    [tex]{:\implies {\boxed{\sf{Circumference_{(circle)} = 2 \pi r}}}}[/tex]

    From this formula, we will find the radius of the circular table, which is our required answer.


    [tex]\sf{:\implies Circumference_{(circle)} = 2 \pi r}[/tex]

    [tex]\sf{:\implies 88 = 2 \times \dfrac{22}{7} \times r}[/tex]

    [tex]\sf{:\implies \dfrac{88}{2} = \dfrac{22}{7} \times r}[/tex]

    [tex]\sf{:\implies 44 = \dfrac{22}{7} \times r}[/tex]

    [tex]\sf{:\implies 44 \times 7 = 22 \times r}[/tex]

    [tex]\sf{:\implies 308 = 22 \times r}[/tex]

    [tex]\sf{:\implies \dfrac{308}{22} = r}[/tex]

    [tex]\sf{:\implies 14 = r}[/tex]

    [tex]\sf{:\implies r = 14}[/tex]

    [tex]\sf{:\implies Radius_{(Circle)} = 14\:cm}[/tex]

    Hence, the radius of the circular table is 14 cm.


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