What’s precipitation reaction??

Arrey mazak hai bhai xDxD

Chalo ab mere bhai ko thanks do
20 thanks (I

What’s precipitation reaction??

Arrey mazak hai bhai xDxD

Chalo ab mere bhai ko thanks do
20 thanks (ItzUnknown100) doge toh 100 thanks dunga Chalo start ho jao :)​

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2 thoughts on “What’s precipitation reaction??<br /><br />Arrey mazak hai bhai xDxD<br /><br />Chalo ab mere bhai ko thanks do <br />20 thanks (I”

  1. Step-by-step explanation:

    [tex]\huge \mathbb{ \red {♡A} \pink{N}\purple{S} \blue {W} \orange{E} \green{R♡}}[/tex]

    vho to ro pada…xD

  2. Answer:

    Precipitation is the process of transforming a dissolved chemical substance into an insoluble solid from a super-saturated solution. When the reaction occurs in a liquid solution, the solid formed is called the precipitate


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