What is flaucinaucinihilipilification ???

shruti ìnstall kiya (ー_ー゛)​

By Ava

What is flaucinaucinihilipilification ???

shruti ìnstall kiya (ー_ー゛)​

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2 thoughts on “What is flaucinaucinihilipilification ???<br /><br />___<br />shruti ìnstall kiya (ー_ー゛)​”

  1. Answer:

    floccinaucinihilipilification. , floccipend – Floccinaucinihilipilification is estimating or categorizing something as worthless, and floccipend means “regard as insignificant” (from Latin flocci pendere, “hold at little value”). See also related terms for insignificant. Farlex Trivia Dictionary.

    Step-by-step explanation:

    hope it’s help you


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