( (Medium)
M Marks : 25)
Time :1 Hr.
wers should be written in the separate answer booklet.
ere are

( (Medium)
M Marks : 25)
Time :1 Hr.
wers should be written in the separate answer booklet.
ere are four sections in the question paper,
There is internal choice in Section – IV
Answering should be visible and legible.
1) Answer the all following questions.
2) Each question carries Mark.
6x = 3
There are two farmers in a village. Farmer named “A” did not use any
chemicals in the cultivation of crops. And utilized local resources. Farmer
B” followed the methods of crop rotation, compost and biological pes
ontrol in farming.
hich of the two farmers followed organic farming?
B) Farmer “B”
Farmer “A”
D) None of the above
Both A&B​

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