Two number differ by 3. The sum of the greater number and twice the smaller number is 15.​

Two number differ by 3. The sum of the greater number and twice the smaller number is 15.​

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2 thoughts on “Two number differ by 3. The sum of the greater number and twice the smaller number is 15.​”

  1. Answer:

    The numbers are 7 and 4

    Step-by-step explanation:

    Let, the numbers are x and y [x>y]

    :. x – y = 3 —————(1)

    :. x + 2y = 15 ————(2)

    By solving, (2) – (1),

    3y = 12

    => y = 4

    :.According to (1) eq.

    x = 3 + 4 = 7


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