True and False
(a) Every natural number is a rational number but every rational number

needs not be a natural num

True and False
(a) Every natural number is a rational number but every rational number

needs not be a natural number.

(b) Zero is a rational number.

(c) Every rational number is a whole number.

(d) Two rational numbers with difference numerators can’t be equal.

(e) Every fraction is a rational number.

(f) Sum of two rational numbers is always a rational number.

(g) The rational number -3/5 lies to the right of zero on the number line.

(h) Every natural number is a rational number but every rational number need

not be a natural number.

(I) 2/4 is equivalent to 4/8

(j) The rational numbers -11/-12 and -7/8 are on the opposite sides of zero on

the number line​

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