the ticket of 2 adult and 1 child is 3900. 3 adult and 2 children is 6300. find the fair and seat cost​

the ticket of 2 adult and 1 child is 3900. 3 adult and 2 children is 6300. find the fair and seat cost​

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1 thought on “the ticket of 2 adult and 1 child is 3900. 3 adult and 2 children is 6300. find the fair and seat cost​”

  1. Step-by-step explanation:

    x- cost for an adult

    y- cost for a child

    2x + y = 3900

    3x + 2y = 6300

    Multiply 1st equation by 2

    4x + 2y = 7800

    ( – )

    3x + 2y = 6300


    x + 0y = 1500


    x = 1500

    2x + y = 3900

    y = 3900 – 2x

    sub x=1500

    y = 3900 – 2 (1500)

    y = 3900 – 3000

    y = 900

    cost for an adult = 1500

    coat for a child = 900


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