the ratio between the area of two circles is 16:9. find the ratio between their circumference, area and diameter​

the ratio between the area of two circles is 16:9. find the ratio between their circumference, area and diameter​

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2 thoughts on “the ratio between the area of two circles is 16:9. find the ratio between their circumference, area and diameter​”

  1. Answer:

    (i) Let the radius of first circle = r1

    And radius of second circle = r2

    Given that ratio of the areas of circles

    = 16 : 9

    ⇒ r1/r2 = 4/3

    (ii) Let the diameter of first circle = d1

    and diameter of second circle = d2

    since, we know that diameter = 2 × radius

    d1 = 2 × r1 = 2 × 4x = 8x

    and d2 = 2 × r2 = 2 × 3x = 6x

    Now, the ratios between the diameter of two circles = d1 : d2

    = 8x : 6x = 4 : 3

    (iii) Now, consider the ratio of circumference of the circles

    = 2πr1/2πr2 = r1/r2 = 4/3

    ∴ The ratio between the circumference of two circles = 4 : 3

    Step-by-step explanation:

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  2. Step-by-step explanation:

    (i) Let the radius of first circle = r1

    (i) Let the radius of first circle = r1And radius of second circle = r2

    (i) Let the radius of first circle = r1And radius of second circle = r2Given that ratio of the areas of circles

    (i) Let the radius of first circle = r1And radius of second circle = r2Given that ratio of the areas of circles= 16 : 9

    (i) Let the radius of first circle = r1And radius of second circle = r2Given that ratio of the areas of circles= 16 : 9⇒ r1/r2 = 4/3

    (i) Let the radius of first circle = r1And radius of second circle = r2Given that ratio of the areas of circles= 16 : 9⇒ r1/r2 = 4/3(ii) Let the diameter of first circle = d1

    (i) Let the radius of first circle = r1And radius of second circle = r2Given that ratio of the areas of circles= 16 : 9⇒ r1/r2 = 4/3(ii) Let the diameter of first circle = d1and diameter of second circle = d2

    (i) Let the radius of first circle = r1And radius of second circle = r2Given that ratio of the areas of circles= 16 : 9⇒ r1/r2 = 4/3(ii) Let the diameter of first circle = d1and diameter of second circle = d2since, we know that diameter = 2 × radius

    (i) Let the radius of first circle = r1And radius of second circle = r2Given that ratio of the areas of circles= 16 : 9⇒ r1/r2 = 4/3(ii) Let the diameter of first circle = d1and diameter of second circle = d2since, we know that diameter = 2 × radiusd1 = 2 × r1 = 2 × 4x = 8x

    (i) Let the radius of first circle = r1And radius of second circle = r2Given that ratio of the areas of circles= 16 : 9⇒ r1/r2 = 4/3(ii) Let the diameter of first circle = d1and diameter of second circle = d2since, we know that diameter = 2 × radiusd1 = 2 × r1 = 2 × 4x = 8xand d2 = 2 × r2 = 2 × 3x = 6x

    (i) Let the radius of first circle = r1And radius of second circle = r2Given that ratio of the areas of circles= 16 : 9⇒ r1/r2 = 4/3(ii) Let the diameter of first circle = d1and diameter of second circle = d2since, we know that diameter = 2 × radiusd1 = 2 × r1 = 2 × 4x = 8xand d2 = 2 × r2 = 2 × 3x = 6xNow, the ratios between the diameter of two circles = d1 : d2

    (i) Let the radius of first circle = r1And radius of second circle = r2Given that ratio of the areas of circles= 16 : 9⇒ r1/r2 = 4/3(ii) Let the diameter of first circle = d1and diameter of second circle = d2since, we know that diameter = 2 × radiusd1 = 2 × r1 = 2 × 4x = 8xand d2 = 2 × r2 = 2 × 3x = 6xNow, the ratios between the diameter of two circles = d1 : d2= 8x : 6x = 4 : 3

    (i) Let the radius of first circle = r1And radius of second circle = r2Given that ratio of the areas of circles= 16 : 9⇒ r1/r2 = 4/3(ii) Let the diameter of first circle = d1and diameter of second circle = d2since, we know that diameter = 2 × radiusd1 = 2 × r1 = 2 × 4x = 8xand d2 = 2 × r2 = 2 × 3x = 6xNow, the ratios between the diameter of two circles = d1 : d2= 8x : 6x = 4 : 3(iii) Now, consider the ratio of circumference of the circles

    (i) Let the radius of first circle = r1And radius of second circle = r2Given that ratio of the areas of circles= 16 : 9⇒ r1/r2 = 4/3(ii) Let the diameter of first circle = d1and diameter of second circle = d2since, we know that diameter = 2 × radiusd1 = 2 × r1 = 2 × 4x = 8xand d2 = 2 × r2 = 2 × 3x = 6xNow, the ratios between the diameter of two circles = d1 : d2= 8x : 6x = 4 : 3(iii) Now, consider the ratio of circumference of the circles= 2πr1/2πr2 = r1/r2 = 4/3

    (i) Let the radius of first circle = r1And radius of second circle = r2Given that ratio of the areas of circles= 16 : 9⇒ r1/r2 = 4/3(ii) Let the diameter of first circle = d1and diameter of second circle = d2since, we know that diameter = 2 × radiusd1 = 2 × r1 = 2 × 4x = 8xand d2 = 2 × r2 = 2 × 3x = 6xNow, the ratios between the diameter of two circles = d1 : d2= 8x : 6x = 4 : 3(iii) Now, consider the ratio of circumference of the circles= 2πr1/2πr2 = r1/r2 = 4/3∴ The ratio between the circumference of two circles = 4 : 3


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