The present ages of A, B and C are in the propotion 10:11:12.
5 yr ago, the sum of their ages was 150. their present ages are

The present ages of A, B and C are in the propotion 10:11:12.
5 yr ago, the sum of their ages was 150. their present ages are…
(a) 20 yr, 22 yr, 24 yr (b) 30 yr, 33 yr 36 yr
(c) 40 yr ,44 yr ,48 yr (d) 50 yr ,55 yr ,60 yr​

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2 thoughts on “The present ages of A, B and C are in the propotion 10:11:12.<br />5 yr ago, the sum of their ages was 150. their present ages are”

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    Hello brother you are telling truth please mark me as brainliest brother may God bless you and mark me as brainliest brother


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