the numerator of a fraction is 4 less that it’s denominator. if 1 is added to both its numerator and denominator, it becomes ⁴/¹².

the numerator of a fraction is 4 less that it’s denominator. if 1 is added to both its numerator and denominator, it becomes ⁴/¹². Fiund the fraction!!
help please!!​

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2 thoughts on “the numerator of a fraction is 4 less that it’s denominator. if 1 is added to both its numerator and denominator, it becomes ⁴/¹².”

  1. Question : –

    The numerator of a fraction is 4 less than it’s denominator. If 1 is added to both it’s numerator and Denominator. Then, it becomes 4/12. Find the fraction.


    ★ Let the Denominator of the fraction be x respectively.

    [tex]Then, \: it’s Numerator = (x \: – \: 4).[/tex]

    [tex]According \: to \: the \: Question \rightarrow[/tex]

    • If 1 is added to both it’s numerator and Denominator. Then, it becomes 4/12.

    [tex]⟹ \: \frac{(x – 4) + 1}{x + 1} = \frac{4}{12} [/tex]

    [tex]⟹ \: \frac{x – 3}{x + 1} = \frac{4}{12} [/tex]

    [tex]⟹12(x – 3) = 4(x + 1)[/tex]

    [tex]⟹12x – 36 = 4 x + 4[/tex]

    [tex]⟹12x – 4x = 4 + 36[/tex]

    [tex]⟹8x = 40[/tex]

    [tex]⟹x = \frac{40}{8} [/tex]

    [tex] \color{red}⟹x = 5[/tex]


    Numerator of fraction, (x – 4) = (5 – 4) = 1

    Denominator of fraction, x = 5

    hence the required fraction is 1/5...

  2. Question : –

    The numerator of a fraction is 4 less than it’s denominator. If 1 is added to both it’s numerator and Denominator. Then, it becomes 4/12. Find the fraction.


    ★ Let the Denominator of the fraction be x respectively.

    According to the Question ⟹

    If 1 is added to both it’s numerator and Denominator. Then, it becomes 4/12.

    ⟹ (x – 4) + 1 {x + 1} = 4/12

    ⟹ {x – 3} {x + 1} = 4/12

    ⟹12(x – 3) = 4(x + 1)

    ⟹12x – 36 = 4 x + 4

    ⟹12x – 4x = 4 + 36

    ⟹8x = 40

    ⟹x = 40/8

    ⟹x = 5

    So ,

    ⟹ Numerator of fraction , (x – 4) = (5 – 4) = 1

    ⟹ Denominator of fraction , x = 5

    ★ Hence the required fraction is 1/5…


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