The length and breath of a rectangle
are 10 cm and 8 cm find its perimetre​

The length and breath of a rectangle
are 10 cm and 8 cm find its perimetre​

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2 thoughts on “The length and breath of a rectangle<br />are 10 cm and 8 cm find its perimetre​”

  1. [tex]\bold{\underline{☘Answer \: = \: 36cm}}[/tex]


    [tex]\implies[/tex] [tex]perimeter \: of \: rectangle \: = \: 2 × (length + breadth)[/tex]

    [tex]\implies[/tex] [tex]2 × (10+8)[/tex]

    [tex]\implies[/tex] [tex]2 × 18[/tex]

    [tex]\implies[/tex] [tex]36cm[/tex]

  2. Answer:

    Given length equal to 10cm and breath the equal to 8cm

    Therefore, perimeter of rectangle equal to 2x(l+b)

    equal to 2x(10+8)

    Step-by-step explanation:



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