The first & second moments of the distribution about the value 2 are 1& 16.Variance of the distribution is​

The first & second moments of the distribution about the value 2 are 1& 16.Variance of the distribution is​

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1 thought on “The first & second moments of the distribution about the value 2 are 1& 16.Variance of the distribution is​”

  1. Given : The first & second moments of the distribution about the value 2 are 1& 16.Variance of the distribution is ?

    Answer :

    given that,

    → first two moments about 2 are = 1 , 16 .


    → a = 2,

    → u₁(a) = 1

    → u₂(a) = 16

    → u₁ = 0


    → u₂ = u₂(a) – u₁(a)²

    → u₂ = 16 – (1)²

    → u₂ = 16 – 1

    → u₂ = 15


    → u₂ = variance = 15 (Ans.)

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