The distance between Chennai and Delhi is around 1800 km and on a map it is
represented by 12 cm. Find the actual distance be

The distance between Chennai and Delhi is around 1800 km and on a map it is
represented by 12 cm. Find the actual distance between Chennai and Bangalore
represented on map as 3.5 cm.​

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2 thoughts on “The distance between Chennai and Delhi is around 1800 km and on a map it is<br />represented by 12 cm. Find the actual distance be”

  1. Answer:

    Step-by-step explanation:


    therefore 1 cm= 150 cm


    so distance between chennai and bangalore is 525km

  2. Step-by-step explanation:

    The distance between Chennai and Delhi =1800 km

    on a map it is represented =12 cm

    actual distance between Chennai and Bangalore represented on map 3.5 cm


    [tex] \times [/tex]


    150 * 3.5

    =525 Km

    Hope it will help you


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