The digits of a 2 digit number add upto 8. If you add 36 to the number, the digits get reversed. Which is the number?

The digits of a 2 digit number add upto 8. If you add 36 to the number, the digits get reversed. Which is the number?

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1 thought on “The digits of a 2 digit number add upto 8. If you add 36 to the number, the digits get reversed. Which is the number?”

  1. Answer:

    Let the number be 10 x + y . It is also given that if 36 is added to the number the digits gets reversed. The original number is 10 ( 2 ) + 6 = 20 + 6 = 26 . Therefore, the number is 26.

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    I hope it will help you if correct please mark me as brainliest


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