the denominator of fraction is 2 more than numerator. if 1 is subtracted from numerator and 1is added to denominator the fraction

the denominator of fraction is 2 more than numerator. if 1 is subtracted from numerator and 1is added to denominator the fraction becomes 1/2 what is that fraction.​

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1 thought on “the denominator of fraction is 2 more than numerator. if 1 is subtracted from numerator and 1is added to denominator the fraction”

  1. Answer:


    Step-by-step explanation:

    let the numerator be x

    the denominator is 2more so,


    if 1added to the denominator and 1subtracted from the numerator,

    x-1/x+2+1 =

    x-1/x+3 =1/2

    cross multiply

    2(x-1)= x+3

    2x-2 = x+3

    2x- x = 3+2

    x= 5

    so the numerator is 5 and so denominator would be x+2 i.e 5+2 = 7

    ans is 5/7


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