the cost price and selling price of an article is in the ratio a:b. If b is 200% of a, then the percentage of profit on cost price

the cost price and selling price of an article is in the ratio a:b. If b is 200% of a, then the percentage of profit on cost price is​

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2 thoughts on “the cost price and selling price of an article is in the ratio a:b. If b is 200% of a, then the percentage of profit on cost price”

  1. Answer:


    Step-by-step explanation:

    a= c.p and b= s.p

    if s.p or b is 200% of a or c.p, then

    s.p= 200% of c.p

    = (200× a or c.p)/100


    so s.p= double of cost price

    now as s.p = 2a

    and ç.p= a

    the profit= s.p-c.p

    profit= 2a- a= a

    now to find profit %

    profit % = (profit/c.p)× 100%

    profit %= ( a/a)× 100%

    profit %=100%


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