Tha cost of a bus ticket from Delhi to Haridwar has risen by 20%to ₹240.What was tha original price of ticket

Tha cost of a bus ticket from Delhi to Haridwar has risen by 20%to ₹240.What was tha original price of ticket

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1 thought on “Tha cost of a bus ticket from Delhi to Haridwar has risen by 20%to ₹240.What was tha original price of ticket”

  1. Step-by-step explanation:

    [tex](1 + \frac{20}{100} ) \times x = 240 \\ \\ \frac{120}{100} \times x = 240 \\ \\ \\ x = \frac{240 \times 100}{120} = 200 \: \: rupees. \\ \\ therefore \: \: original \: \: price \: \: = \: rupees \: \: 200.[/tex]


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