Sum of two positive number is 70 if the
quatient obtaind on dividing first number
by the other is 4, find the numbers​

By Remi

Sum of two positive number is 70 if the
quatient obtaind on dividing first number
by the other is 4, find the numbers​

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1 thought on “Sum of two positive number is 70 if the<br />quatient obtaind on dividing first number<br />by the other is 4, find the numbers​”

  1. Answer:

    14 and 56

    Step-by-step explanation:

    Acc. to question :

    x + y = 70 — (1)

    x/y = 4

    x = 4y — (2)

    In (1) — 4y + y = 70

    5y = 70

    y = 14

    x = 70 – y

    = 70 – 14

    = 56


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