shyam walked 3/8 of the distance to school and took bus for 1/2 of the distance. How much distance is covered by him it total​

shyam walked 3/8 of the distance to school and took bus for 1/2 of the distance. How much distance is covered by him it total​

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1 thought on “shyam walked 3/8 of the distance to school and took bus for 1/2 of the distance. How much distance is covered by him it total​”

  1. Answer:


    Step-by-step explanation:

    He Covered 3/ 8 of distance in Starting,

    remain 1 – 3 / 8 = 5 / 8

    then he took bus for 1 / 2 of remain distance that is 5/8

    He cover 5/1 6 by bus and 5/1 6 by herself

    total distance Covered by him is 3/8 + 5/ 16 = 11/ 16


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