Shyam deposited ł 10,5oo at a rate of 6
P.C.p.a. for 3 years. How much amout
will be receive after the Peried​

By Mia

Shyam deposited ł 10,5oo at a rate of 6
P.C.p.a. for 3 years. How much amout
will be receive after the Peried​

About the author

2 thoughts on “|<br />Shyam deposited ł 10,5oo at a rate of 6<br /> P.C.p.a. for 3 years. How much amout<br />will be receive after the Peried​”

  1. Answer:


    rate of interest=6%

    time=3 years

    I = PNR/100

    10500×6× 3/100=1890

    Amount= Interest+ principal


    syam will receive rs 12390


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