Read the sentences. freeeeeeeeeeeeee poinssssssssssssss

The night was cold and windy. We stayed outside to study the c

Read the sentences. freeeeeeeeeeeeee poinssssssssssssss

The night was cold and windy. We stayed outside to study the constellations.

Which revision correctly uses a conjunctive adverb to link the two ideas?

Our breath frosted the night air; nevertheless, we lingered outside to study the constellations.
Our breath frosted the night air, yet we lingered outside to study the constellations.
Our breath frosted the night air; but, we lingered outside to study the constellations.
Our breath frosted the night air, however we lingered outside to study the constellations.Read the sentences.

The night was cold and windy. We stayed outside to study the constellations.

Which revision correctly uses a conjunctive adverb to link the two ideas?

Our breath frosted the night air; nevertheless, we lingered outside to study the constellations.
Our breath frosted the night air, yet we lingered outside to study the constellations.
Our breath frosted the night air; but, we lingered outside to study the constellations.
Our breath frosted the night air, however we lingered outside to study the constellations.

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2 thoughts on “Read the sentences. freeeeeeeeeeeeee poinssssssssssssss<br /><br /> The night was cold and windy. We stayed outside to study the c”

  1. Answer:

    • Evaporation is the process by which water changes from a liquid to a gas or vapor. Evaporation is the primary pathway that water moves from the liquid state back into the water cycle as atmospheric water vapor.

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