Rajan filled his car petrol tank with 48 liters last month and he filled the tank with 52 liters this month.How much did he spend

By Cora

Rajan filled his car petrol tank with 48 liters last month and he filled the tank with 52 liters this month.How much did he spend in all on petrol if petrol cost Rs.64 per liter?​

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2 thoughts on “Rajan filled his car petrol tank with 48 liters last month and he filled the tank with 52 liters this month.How much did he spend”

  1. Answer:


    Step-by-step explanation:

    Cost of petrol=Rs.64(per liter)

    Capacity of petrolof last month=48 liters

    Capacity of patrol of this month=52 liters

    Total capacity of petrol=48+52=100 liters

    Total cost = 64×100=6400



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