which of the following would have digit 6 at unit place 19 square, 24 square, 11square, 18 square

which of the following would have digit 6 at unit place 19 square, 24 square, 11square, 18 square

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2 thoughts on “which of the following would have digit 6 at unit place 19 square, 24 square, 11square, 18 square”

  1. Answer:

    unit place will be the last digit square of last number

    19 = 9²

    = 81 (last digit is 1 )

    24 = 4²

    =16(last digit is 6 )

    so the number is 24

    Step-by-step explanation:

    hope this helps plz mark as brainliest ☺️☺️


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