Which of the following structures is observed in onion cells but not in human cheek cells? (1) Nucleus (2) Cytoplasm (3) Cell memb

By Maya

Which of the following structures is observed in onion cells but not in human cheek cells? (1) Nucleus (2) Cytoplasm (3) Cell membrane (4) Cell wall

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2 thoughts on “Which of the following structures is observed in onion cells but not in human cheek cells? (1) Nucleus (2) Cytoplasm (3) Cell memb”

  1. [tex] \huge \purple {answer}[/tex]

    onion cells are plant cells. 2 onion cells have a cell wall,while cheek cell do not. 3 onion cells contain plastids such as chloroplas

    PLS mark as brainliest ❤️


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